Mother-Daughter Talk Topics - What does boundary-setting sound like?

While waiting for my daughter to get out of her class, I came across @destini.ann’s Instagram post about a couple of ways her kids verbally set boundaries.

  1. “I don’t appreciate ______” (how someone might be behaving or treating you, like “the way you spoke” or “how you interrupted me”.)

  2. “Please respect my _____” (opinion, things, need for some alone time, etc.)

While I talk to my girls about the importance of boundaries, and I try to model that, I tend to be diplomatic and didactic in my approaches. I give background and try to get other people to understand my boundary, while also sticking to it.

But sometimes we don’t have time for that (or the patience, ha). I liked how direct these are; short and sweet may be better depending on the circumstance.

So I’m going to make sure I talk to my girls about these.

Because just like we can’t be what we can’t see – we can’t say what we haven’t heard.


Success is a feeling


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